Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Years Countdown!

So - the numerous businesses that have so generously donated their services are about to be a huge blessing to Heads Up.

New Years Eve is the big drawing for prizes

It is only $10 for a ticket and you can win $10,000 Custom 22 Electric Guitar autographed by Paul Reed Smith!

See you Jan. 1 and what an exciting year we have ahead! Programs are in full swing and our wings are spreading.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

December 1, here we come!

Wahoo! LIFE programs start December 1 so we are ramping up to go! Raffle tickets are on sale online... the discounts and perks and prizes are amazing!

Heidi has a new website which is awesome.

Let's keep a good thing rollin!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Raffle Tickets are now available ONLINE!

Hey urban arts family and friends. Our raffle has officially begun!!! Besides winning amazing prizes you can now use your ticket for AMAZING DISCOUNTS!

5% off local coffee shops EVERY TIME you show your stub till new years.
buy 1, get 1 free at the New Holland Ave dominos... yep... every time!
plus lots more...

It's only $10 for a ticket for your support to heads up and a chance to win great prizes!

Visit our site, fan us on facebook and support heads up's efforts to release vision among our youth!

Heidi also has a sweet webpage too so you can keep up with Kids Capoeira.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Raffle to begin! Prizes rolling in!

So - our raffle tickets will be here next week! Wow - we have a $10,000 guitar to give away... plus photography sessions, dance lessons, artwork, photographs, entertainment services, wild reptile stuffed prizes, restaurant coupons for free meals and more!

All for only $10/ ticket! It will be an amazing time sharing this fun fundraising opp with people...
Send them to

The final drawing will be NEW YEARS EVE in Downtown Lancaster at the official "Countdown Lancaster" event! If you can get co-workers to team up with us - or if you have something to donate for us to give away, give us a call!

Let the games begin!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Heads Up's First All - Staff Meeting

Tonight we'll collect nearly twenty of our artist mentors in one room! We are about to kick off our new year of programs and we are very excited to get everyone on the same page. We are blessed with some new Artist Mentors joining us from out of town and many coming with a wealth of prior experience working with youth, running their own organizations and successful businesses.

It is sure to be a great 2009-2010!

Friday, July 24, 2009

PRS Electric Guitar Giveaway!

So, we were given a PRS (Paul Reed Smith) Custom Autographed Electric Guitar - valued over $8000! - to give away!

That means that you could win it!

Everyone who attended our Urban Arts Festival received a free ticket... we are only selling 1,000 tickets and then drawing one lucky winner! Proceeds to will towards expanding Heads Up programs into neighboring communities!

Tickets are $10 each. Businesses are welcome to purchase as many as they'd like... there is no limit per individual or business.

Soon you'll be able to purchase online - let us know how many you want ahead of time and we will reserve them!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Urban Marketplace - Speechless & Amazing

We just wrapped up Urban Marketplace 2009 in partnership with First Presbyterian Church on Orange Street. I am not sure if there was a single ingredient that made it amazing and left us all speechless with gratitude.

Maybe it was the kids enthusiasm and creativity in the workshops - break dance, junkyard drumming, capoeira, t-shirt printing, rhythm stix, recycled fashion, sacred dance and caricatures...

Maybe it was the cardboard city-scape of downtown lancaster.

Maybe it was the original drama about the lives of a cafe owner, a gallery owner and a grocier in downtown lancaster as the week unfolded - causing genuine tears of emotion and joy.

Maybe it was the collaboration between a long standing church and a birthing arts organization.

Maybe it was the overwhelming reality of the love of the community, parents, families and behind the scenes volunteers that made it all happen.

Maybe it was encountering Jesus on the streets of Lancaster in 2009.

Whatever it was, it was impossible to describe with words and left us speechless with gratitude.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Our City" - by Justin Rule

My city has a pulse.

It lives and thrives on passion

Expressed through perspectives of people

Whose pride resides in the creativity

That permeates the previously parched pavement of potential.

My city has a soul.

It captivates the curious

On the corners where the coffeeshops

And cobblestone streets meet

The audible imprints of independents

Sewing musical flavors into the atmosphere

Saturating the canvas of human experience

With the colors of the Creator.

My city lives.

It inhales the spirit of things spoken to be

And exhales the fruition of the visions we see.

This is not my city.

This is our city.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Celebrate Lancaster! 2009

The first city-wide exposure to Heads Up was an amazing success. Youth break dancers, hip hop dancers, rappers, mural artists and Capoeira afro-Brazillian martial artists brought smiles and cheers from a packed Binns Park.

Heads Up's Artist Mentor Eli Weaver, who was hit by a car earlier in the day and in the ER, even made it down to honor her students who made a huge 10x12 foot mural entitled "Hope" that served as a backdrop throughout the evenings entertainment!

Over 50 of the city's youth showcased their talents and passions alongside local urban art professionals. Heads Up featured numerous of its artists such as co-founders Chris Torchia, Shannon Reed and Heidi Wert and their students who brought the crowd to their feet with break dance moves, lyrical and hip hop dance steps and Capoeira twists and turns respectively. Thanks to partnerships with the Boys and Girls Clubs and MOOSE, students were able to train through the early summer months to prepare for the event.

The Mayor said he was very impressed and thought it was a great hit. Heads Up is hosting a free Urban Arts Festival downtown July 6-9 and is also partnering with First Pres. Church July 12-17 to hold workshops at their Urban Marketplace Bible School.

Although the past two days were filled with amazing opportunities for us... it is just the beginning of a great summer! We are so grateful for the doors of opportunity.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

PLCM Event at Convention Center

Bottom Line...amazing.

20 youth and professional break dancers just stole the show ... the first entertainment show featured Heads Up youth who had worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs support to prepare for the 45 min showcase! There were many others who supported us to make it possible - breakers and dancers from the community. Wow. Mayors and judges and others were loving the kids and the showcase.

Ironically, Michael Jackson died tonight and we were dancing to his tunes. Hmm... well, I am very grateful for the city's support and I am very proud of the youth. Now - tomorrow's big Celebrate Lancaster event! Check back soon for videos of the event! Oh yeah - the convention center is pretty sweet too...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer is... AMAZING

So many doors have opened up for us this summer, it's hard to express our gratitude for the opportunities ahead of us.

June 22 - Kids at the French Creek Kids Kamp will get to hang out with H:UP break dance instructor Chris Torchia and learn some new moves.

June 23 - Kids in the Manor Kids Camp will learn break dance and Capoeira thanks to workshops by Heidi Wert and Chris Torchia.

June 25 - H:UP break dancers will perform for the PA Council of City Mayors in the new Convention Center

June 26 - H:UP Urban Arts Showcase will headline the "Celebrate Lancaster" Binns Park July 4th celebration thanks to the Mayor's Office of Special Events. Be one of the 10,000 in attendance! 7:30-8:15pm

July 6-9 - H:UP will host Lancaster's First Urban Arts Festival downtown in the newly renovated Lancaster Square. Each night will feature a different urban arts focus with artists holding workshops every hour between 5-8pm free for the public.

July 12-16 - H:UP artists will facilitate workshops at First Presbyterians "Urban Marketplace" bible school. Pretty innovative and awesome partnership with one of our first supporters.

What's that? You wanted to help us out financially? That is awesome. We are a 501c3 so we welcome your support.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Heads Up : Up Date!

God has really been blessings the small steps we have been taking over the past year.

We have grown from a few instructors to nearly 20.
We offer twice as many programs as we did a year ago.
We have more than doubled our service hours.
We have connected with more youth than in the previous years.
We have connected with more local artists and businesses thanks to some great press (thanks!).
Our mentoring artists have found Heads Up has been a good "connector" for them to the community.

God has also really been helping us grow internally - developing vision, traveling a sometimes-bumpy road and our childlike qualities are being weeded out and woven into a stronger organization.

This summer we will host our first "day camp" and we are excited for the simple opportunity to walk in obedience to the gifts and callings and "good works that have been prepared in advance for us" by our Creator and Father, Jesus Christ.

What a privilege it is to serve others.